Awesome Human Stuart Norris
In today’s Podcast, the team here at Podfire are joined by Stuart Norris, an entrepreneur, business coach, marketing and business strategy guru, and a committed father to a tribe of six kids.
Stuart co-founded Magic Memories which he took from a humble beginning of just two men with $2.00 and a disposable camera, to having thousands of employees across the world in only 25 years. If you've ever been to a theme park or a tourist attraction anywhere in the world, you've probably had your photo taken at some point by Magic Memories. From the Sydney Opera House to a London Zoo, Stu's leadership and vision has helped countless people to capture their Magic Memories forever.
In this podcast, Stuart speaks about some of his travel experiences, business ventures, his youth, the importance of being an involved team player in any business-even your own, and some of the challenges he has faced both as a young entrepreneur and still today, and how he dynamically tackles these challenges.
Be sure to listen in to this Podcast, whether you’re a successful business mogul or are working on your first start up, this is the podcast for you.