Brett's Story
‘Once you Embrace the Fail and celebrate all that life brings, including adversity and failure, only then are you really living.’

Brett McCallum was born a disruptor. Early on, and for many years, people told Brett that he had ‘too many fingers in too many pies’. Yet the deep entrepreneurial and punter spirit in him continued to soldier on and stand out. With 20+ years of serial entrepreneuring under his belt, he has built extremely successful and unsuccessful ventures across the globe. These experiences and passions in life and in business were overcome by ‘Embracing the Fail’, which incidentally became the stimulus and the title of his first book as a published author. Brett continues to pursue his greater purpose with inspiring, mentoring and coaching startups and others to ‘have a crack’ at life and business and be part of the energizing ecosystem that is entrepreneurship.
Fully aware of how trendy it has become to be an ‘entrepreneur’ and given that the world appears to have created a ‘faketrepreneur’ ecosystem, Brett keeps laser-focussed on his purpose in inspiring those who cannot see what they can be. This is no mean feat. It is fucking hard work and means putting everything on the line while putting faith in others to help achieve one’s goals. Brett has an authentic appreciation for realizing that the power of success is in being willing to lose it all to be true to ourselves.
Brett considers himself the luckiest bloke on the planet. He is married to an amazing wife and they have four awesome kids. They live on the sunny Gold Coast of Australia and are grateful to live a life that most of the world’s population could ever dream of. Together as a couple and family, they have experienced mega highs and massive lows. These experiences and the lessons learned, as well as love, gratitude and growing, have kept Brett and his tribe centered. And he takes this love and appreciation into business and events every time. ‘Each day I wake up and take that first breath with my eyes open, I’m winning!’
Brett is a true believer that time is more valuable than money and lives his life as candidly and efficiently as possible. So, when he engages with others and has the opportunity to meet, his inner punter revels in making a deal on the spot. Certainly not risk-averse, and not shy to swearing, his laidback but blunt attitude becomes not only relatable but infectious. Like many of us, he keeps his life and business pursuits full to the brim and at the end of busy days – he craves returning home to his family.
Brett is a professional speaker and storyteller and has been sharing his stories with people for the past 20 years. And by the life he has lived so far, he certainly has accumulated a lot of stories to tell. He manages to combine emotion, vulnerability and humour into every human connection. His inner podcaster brings out people’s unique stories and personalities.
Brett loves to mentor start-ups and businesses and stays abreast with current technology. Given his background as a tech guru and a leader in digital thinking, he always carries these skills with him into every encounter that he has with businesses.
Brett’s favourite attribute is the fact that he has never found anyone who's mind works like his. There is thinking out of the box and then there is dismantling the box to make 3 boxes and then think outside of them. A wise woman once said, ‘To know Brett, you need to experience Brett.’ Instead of attaching to labels and diagnosis - he chooses to harness his quirks and view it simply as awesomeness!